Instrumental program for new Year 4 Students.
Instrumental lessons occur weekly. Students are taught
in ability groups/instrument groups for a 30min session in school time. The
lessons are on a rotating time, so students don't regularly miss the same
subjects in class. Students in this program are given a progress strip to
record their continuing development. They work through and perform the carefully
graded exercises/skill and performance pieces and are rewarded with stickers
and certificates for their efforts and performances. A medal is awarded to any
student that successfully performs the final solo in the tutor book on
a student has progressed to a desired level of competency, they will become a
member of the school band and will be required to attend 8am band rehearsals. They
will be presented with a school band folder to neatly store their band music.
Music contract signed by student and parent to indicate commitment.
Daily practice of 20minutes by each student.
Attendance of lessons, rehearsals and other commitments, as required.
Participation at music camps, concerts and workshops.
Purchase of required items for maintenance of instruments.
Rehearsals for Continuing Instrumental Band Members
The concert band will consist of students from Year 5,
and 6.
Parents and Students are notified of rehearsals times at the beginning of the
year by the Instrumental Music Teacher, Mrs Lyndall Faragher.
Concert bands rehearse in the Multi Purpose
Hall from 8:00am to 8:30am on Friday mornings. The
attendance of these rehearsals is compulsory, for students involved in the
instrumental program.
There is no cost involved with the lessons or music, but you will have to
provide reeds, or oils and cleaning equipment where necessary.
To discuss any matter relating to the previous, please
phone the school and ask to arrange a suitable time to talk to myself.
Senior Instrumental
Mrs Lyndall Faragher.